Norghauer JM, Newbery DM & Neba GA (2023) Indications of an Achaea sp. caterpillar outbreak disrupting fruiting of an ectomycorrhizal tropical tree in Central African rainforest. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156 :46-58. PDF
Norghauer JM (2021) Intraspecific allometries reveal hyper-slender stems in forest gaps and the impact on tree growth from insect herbivores. Ecological Research 36: 478-490.PDF
Norghauer JM (2019) Insects and light interact to mediate vine colonization of fast growing Microberlinia bisulcata tree seedlings in gaps of an African rainforest. Biotropica 52: 59-69. PDF
Norghauer JM & Newbery DM (2016) Density-dependent dynamics of a dominant tropical forest tree change with juvenile size and time of masting. Oecologia 181: 207-223.PDF
Norghauer JM, Free C, Grogan J, Landis RM, Malcolm JR, Thomas SC (2016) Herbivores limit the population size of big-leaf mahogany trees in an Amazonian forest. Oikos 125: 137-148. PDF
Norghauer JM, Roder G & Glauser G (2016) Canopy gaps promote selective stem-clipping of seedlings of two dominant trees in an African forest: the importance of seedling chemistry. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32: 1-21. PDF
Norghauer JM & Newbery DM (2015) Tree size and fecundity influence ballistic dispersal of two dominant mast-fruiting species in a tropical rain forest. Forest Ecology and Management 338: 100-113. PDF
Norghauer JM, Glauser G & Newbery DM (2014) Seedling resistance, tolerance and escape from herbivores: insights from co-dominant canopy tree species in a resource-poor African rain forest. Functional Ecology 28: 1426-1439. PDF
Norghauer JM & Newbery DM (2014) Insect herbivores differentially limit the seedling growth and recruitment of two dominant rain forest canopy trees. Oecologia 174: 459-469. PDF
Norghauer JM & Newbery DM (2013) Herbivores equalize the seedling height growth of three dominant tree species in an African tropical rain forest. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 555-566. PDF
Norghauer JM, Martin AR, Mycroft EE, James A & Thomas SC (2011) Island invasion by a threatened tree species: evidence for natural enemy release of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) on Dominica, Lesser Antilles. PLoS ONE 6: e18790.PDF
Norghauer JM, Nock CA & Grogan J (2011) The importance of tree size and fecundity for wind dispersal of big-leaf mahogany. PLoS ONE 6: e17488. PDF
Norghauer JM & Newbery DM (2010) Recruitment limitation after mast-seeding in two African rain forest trees. Ecology 91: 2303-2012. PDF
Norghauer JM, Grogan J, Malcolm JR & Felfili JM (2010) Long-distance dispersal helps germinating mahogany seedlings escape attacks by a specialist caterpillar. Oecologia 162: 405-412. PDF
Norghauer JM, Newbery DM, Tedersoo L & Chuyong G (2010) Do fungal pathogens drive density-dependent mortality in established seedlings of two dominant African rain forest trees? Journal of Tropical Ecology 26: 293-301. PDF
Newbery DM, Praz CJ, van der Burgt XM, Norghauer JM & Chuyong GB (2010) Recruitment dynamics of the grove-dominant tree Microberlinia bisulcata in African rain forest: extending the light response versus adult longevity trade-off concept. Plant Ecology 206: 151-172.PDF
Norghauer JM, Malcolm JR & Zimmerman BL (2008) Canopy cover mediates interactions between a specialist caterpillar and seedlings of a tropical tree. Journal of Ecology 96: 103-113.PDF
Norghauer JM, Malcolm JR, Zimmerman BL & Felfili JM (2008) Experimental establishment of big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) seedlings on two soil types in native forest of Pará, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 282-291. PDF
Grogan J, Jennings S, Landis RM, Schulze M, Baima AMV, Lopes J do CA, Norghauer JM, Oliveira LR, Pantoja F, Pinto D, Silva JMN, Vidal E & Zimmerman B (2008) What loggers leave behind: big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) population structure and potential for post-logging recovery in the Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 269-281.PDF
Norghauer JM, Malcolm JR & Zimmerman BL (2006) An experimental test of density‑ and distant‑dependent recruitment of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in southeastern Amazonia. Oecologia 148: 437-446. PDF
Norghauer JM, Malcolm JR & Zimmerman BL (2006) Juvenile mortality and attacks by a specialist herbivore increase with conspecific adult basal area of Amazonian Swietenia macrophylla (Meliaceae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 451-460. PDF
Norghauer JM & Grogan J (2012) The intriguing case of Steniscadia poliophaea (Noctuidae): potent moth enemy of young mahogany trees in Amazonian forests. Pages 39-74 In Moths: Types, Ecological Significance and Control Methods. Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA. PDF