Journal selection: Your manuscript is first read carefully. Then, based on its study design, analyses, and results, 2-4 reputable indexed (SCI, SCIE) journals ("non-predatory") are proposed as a suitable outlet for publishing your work. Available for specific subject areas only.
Abstract polishing: This section is scrutinized for its presentation, logic, arguments, structure, and English use. The text will be commented on if needed, and tightened up. Cover letter enhancement: This document is increasingly important for authors, especially ESL researchers. Your letter will be edited so that it does not read like the Abstract, strikes the right tone, and is free of any English mistakes.
Presentation edit: Your slides will be polished, to enhance their appearance, use of English, and scientific content.
Poster edit: Your applied statistics will be checked and reviewed for any improvement, as will the use of English. Aesthetic comments are also supplied.
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J7T 2J3, Canada |